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a an 的用法区别

1.基本区别:原则上说,a用于辅音前;an用于元音前。辅音前用a的例子如: a book, a student, a school, a house, a magazine 等;元音前用an的例子如: an egg, an apple, an object, an idea, an ugly thing 等。

2.易错说明:hour, honest, honor 等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用an。反过来,有些单词虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头,那么它们的前面应用a而不是an,这些词常见的有useful, university, usual, European, united, one-eyed, one-way 等。


He has an 11-year-old daughter. 

Our daughter sent us an SOS for some more money. 


1. 通常位置:一般说来冠词放在单数可数名词之前( a man / the man),如果名词有其他定语,不定冠词应放在定语之前(a good man / the good man)

2. 特殊位置:在下面情况中,冠词的位置比较特殊,需要注意。

 单数可数名词被  such, many, half, what 等修饰时,不定冠词应置于其后,这个大家看例子就很容易明白,而且平时基本不会出错。

He arrived half an hour ago. 

He couldnt afford to pay such a price. 

② 单数可数名词前作定语的形容词被 as, so, how, too 修饰时,通常采用 as / so / how / too + 形容词 + a / an + 名词”这样的词序。

He didnt know how great a mistake he had made. 

It is too difficult a job for me to finish in so short a time. 

③ 当定冠词与 all, both, half 表倍数的 double, twice, three times 等分数词等一起修饰名词时,定冠词应放在它们之后。

Turn off all the lights before you go to bed. 

Everything was almost double the normal price. 


1. 表类别:即指人或事物的类别。

A teacher is a person who teaches. 

2. 表数量:即表示数量“一”。

Ill be able to finish it in a day or two. 

3. 表同一性:即表示“同一”,说明事物的同一性质、特征、大小或程度等。

This hat and that one are of a shape. 

4. 表程度:用于most前表示“非常”“十分”。

Its a most boring book. 


1. 用于序数词前:表示“再一”、“又一”。

She thanked him a second time. 

Shall I ask her a third time? 

2. 用于由动词转化来的名词前:表示一次、一番等义(通常与 have, take, make, give 等动词连用)

Weve already had a try at it. 

I went down to the beach and took a swim.

3. 用于专有名词前:相当于a certain,意为“一个”“某个”。

The house next door has been bought by a Mr Jones. 

4. 用于抽象名词前:使之具体化,表示与该之相关的具体的人或事。

He was a success in business. 

Its a pleasure to talk with you. 


1. 表示特指:特指某()人或某()(包括用于上文提到过的人或物之前,以及说话双方都知道的人或物)

We have a cat and two dogs. The cat is black and the dogs are white. 

2. 表示独一无二:用在世界上“独一无二”的事物的名词前。

The earth goes round the sun. 

He looked up at the stars in the sky. 

3. 用于最高级前:即用于形容词或副词的最高级前。

Who picked the most apples? 

Of the four of us, I sang the worst. 

4. 用于序数词或方位词之前。

He was the first man to think of it. 

Italy is in the south of Europe. 


5. 用于乐器名词前:表示相应乐器的演奏。


Besides the violin, he plays the piano and the flute. 


6. 表示人体部位:用于某些介词短语中指身体的某个部位。

He patted me on the back. 

We caught him by the arm. 

7. 用于表示一家人:用于在姓氏的复数形式之前表示一家人或夫妇二人。

The Smiths live in the apartment above ours.

8. 用于江河湖海等前:用于江河湖海、山脉群岛、海湾海峡等地理名词前。如:

The Yellow River flows into the Yellow Sea. 

9. 用于某些含有普通名词的专有名词前:用于某些国名、组织机构、建筑物、报纸杂志、会议条约等含有普通名词与其他词构成的专有名词。

We visited the Great Wall yesterday. 


1. 用于整十的复数数词前:表示几十年代。

This happened in the seventies. 

2. 用于比较级前:用于“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构中表示“越……就越……”。

The sooner we operate now the safer. 

The better I knew him, the more I liked him. 

3. 用于表示类别:用于“the+某些形容词或过去分词”中表示一类人。

Do you think the rich should pay more taxes to help the poor? 

The sick and the wounded were sent home. 

4. 用于国籍名词前表总称:用于“the+某些国籍的形容词”中表示某国人的总称。

The French are famous for their food. 

The British drink a great deal of tea. 

5. 用于集合名词前表总称:用于“the + police / public等集合名词”中表示这类人的总称。

The police are looking for the murderer.

6. 用于修饰same, only, very等形容词:即用于“the same / only / very +名词”结构中。

Thats the only reason. 

Do you belong to the same class? 

My view is the very opposite of his. 

7. 用于单位名词前表示标准:即用于“单位词”(hour, day, month, year, dozen, gallon, ton, yard等)前表示标准,相当于汉语的“按”“论”“每”等。

They let out cars by the day. 

Do you sell eggs by the kilo or by the dozen? 

但是,by weight(按重量)习惯上不用冠词。

Bananas are usually sold by weight. 


1.(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)Instead,she is earning 6,500 aday as __ model in New York.

2.(2017·浙江高考)For Pahlsson, its return was __wonder.

3.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)Giveyour body and brain a rest by stepping outside for __ while, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.

4.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)Thenursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottlefed, __other is with mum she never suspects.


5.(2015·全国卷Ⅱ)The adobe dwellings (土坯房)built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even__most modern of architects and engineers.

6.(2015·广东高考)He owned___farm, which looked almost abandoned.

7.(2014·广东高考)She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on___ top floor.

8.(2014·全国卷Ⅰ)Now,years later, this river is one of____ most outstanding examples of environmental clean up.


1.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)I still remember how hard first day was.

2.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day.

3.(2016·全国卷Ⅲ)At the first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself.

4.(2016·四川高考)I asked Mom to stay in the sitting room and I cooked in kitchen.

5(2015·全国卷Ⅱ)He liked it so much that he quickly walked into the shop ...he turned around and found his parents were missing. Tony was scared and began to cry. A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside a shop.

6.(2015·全国卷Ⅰ)Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. There the air is clean and the mountains are green.

7.(2015·浙江高考)On the right side of the class was the road. I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning.

8.(2014·全国卷Ⅱ)There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings.

9.(2014·全国卷Ⅰ)As result, the plants are growing everywhere.

10.(2014·辽宁高考)Besides,Cleo tends to bark a average of six hours a day.



1.解析:a 此处意为“作为纽约的一名模特”,在单数可数名词model前应该使用不定冠词a,表示“一,一名”。


3.解析:afor a while为固定搭配,意为“一会儿”。

4.解析:the 此处表示双胞胎大熊猫中的另一只,两者之间的“另一个”应该使用the other

5.解析:the 在形容词最高级的前面用定冠词the

6.解析:a 此处指一个农场,表示泛指,故用不定冠词a

7.解析:theon the top floor为固定搭配,意为“在顶层”。

8.解析:the 此空后面的“most outstanding”是最高级的形式,故应填定冠词the


1.解析:first前加the/my 表示“第几天”,序数词前要加定冠词the或者用限定词进行修饰。

2.解析:第一个aan/one hour的读音以元音音素开头,且是可数名词,所以表示一个小时用an/one hour

3.解析:去掉the at first “起初”,为固定短语。

4.解析:kitchen前加the 此处特指我们家的厨房。

5.解析:outside后的athe 此处用定冠词特指上文提到的商店。

6. 解析:countryside前加the in the countryside“在乡村”,为固定短语。

7.解析:hurry前加a in a hurry“匆匆忙忙”,为固定短语。

8.解析:去掉第一个the 此处为泛指,不表示特指,故去掉the

9.解析:As后加a as a result“结果”,为固定搭配。

10.解析:第一个aan an average of ...“平均有……”,为固定搭配。


① 定冠词的常用搭配

on the way 即将到达

by the way 顺便说一下

in the end 终于,最后

on the whole 总的来说

in the distance 在远处 

not in the least=not at all 一点也不,毫不

on the left 在左边

in the way 挡路 

in the future 在将来

all the year round 全年 

on the side of 在……的一边

in the morning在早上

out of the question 不可能

in the air 在传播中

be on the air 正在广播

in the dark 在暗处 

in the sun 在阳光下

on the spot 马上

at the same time 同时

at the moment 此刻

on the decrease下降

to the point 切题

to tell the truth 说实话

make the mostbestof 充分利用

in the daytime 在白天

in the habit of 有……的习惯,常常

on the one handon the other hand 一方面……另一方面

go to the cinema 去电影院

the other day 前几天

for the time being 暂且

on the left 在左边

on the contrary 相反

in the middle of 在……中间

at the age of 在……岁时

at the very start 一开始

from the behind 从后面

to the right 朝右边

to the amount of 总计达

in the east of 在一定范围以内的东部

to the east of 在一定范围以外的东部,但是不相邻

on the east of 在一定范围以外的东部且紧紧相邻

to the full 完全的,充分的

② 不定冠词的常用搭配


at a time 每次

for a time (短的)一段时间

for a while 一会儿

in a moment 一会儿

in a way 在某种程度上

at a distance 从远处

in a loud voice 大声地

all of a sudden 突然

in a word 总之

as a rule 通常

as a result 结果

as a whole 作为一个整体

once in a while 偶尔

at a loss 不知所措

with a view to 为了

with a will 坚决地

in a hurry 匆忙地

as a matter of fact 事实上

a moment ago 刚才

twice a week 每周两次


come to an end 结束

catch a cold 得了感冒

 take an interest in 对……感兴趣

take a seat 坐下

take a walk 散步

take a bow 谢幕

make a fire 生火

make a fool of 愚弄

make a study of 研究

make a fortune 发财

make a living 谋生

make a decision 做决定

make an effort 做出努力

make a choice 做选择

have a cold 得了感冒

have a word with 与……谈话 

③ 零冠词


arm in arm 臂挽臂地

day by day 一天一天地

day after day 日复一日地

from door to door 挨家挨户地

from time to time 不时地

heart and soul 全心全意地

hand in hand 手拉手
face to face 面对面

one by one 一个接一个地

side by side 肩并肩地

step by step 逐步地

year after year 年复一年地

little by little 逐渐地

shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地


by way of 经由

at first 起初

in common 相同的

at desk 在办公

in detail 详细地

at table 吃饭

at last 终于

at night 在夜晚

at sea 在海上

in debt 负债

in trouble 陷入困境

in place of 代替

at dawn 在黎明

at hand 临近

on purpose 故意地

by accident 偶然地

by day/ night 在白天/夜晚

by ari/ water/ land 乘飞机/ 乘船/ 走路

by chance 碰巧

in class 在课堂上

in person 亲自

in return 作为回报

in sight of 亲自

on fire 在燃烧

on trial 受审判

out of place 不适当的

out of date 过时的

out of question 毫无疑问

on account of 因为



keep in mind 记在心上

leave word 留言

learn by heart 记住

go to work 去上班

make friends with ...交友

catch fire 着火

catch sight of 看到
take place 发生


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